haiti is a desperate nation…

At least 80% of Haiti’s population live under the country’s poverty line while 54% live in abject poverty. 70% of the population is unemployed and the average salary per day for a Haitian that does work, is $2.75. To bring that home - one large Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks is equivalent to 2 days pay in Haiti.

Despite their poverty, gambling is a national pastime. According to Haitian belief, all good things that come into their lives depend on how the ‘gods’ fancy their bets. Since VOODOO is the main religion – and practiced widely throughout the country, they implore on those ‘gods’ constantly, both for insight into which lottery numbers to pick and with the hope that they will bestow on them a big win.

Haiti has a saying – “We’re 70% Catholic, 30% Protestant and 100%Voodoo!”

Voodoo is everywhere – it’s a demonic practice that has its roots in everything from medicine to agriculture, and sadly, even in the church. Evil truly is tangible, which makes Haiti a living hell.

It has the highest percentage of orphans in the entire Western Hemisphere. Before the big earthquake in 2010 there were already 430,000 children who had been orphaned. That number has risen to 1.2 MILLION as of 2022.

Only 53% of Haiti’s 9.3 million residents can read or write.

There is only 1 hospital bed for every 10,000 patients. The ratio of doctors and nurses is 8 to 100,000. For those of us who live in Canada – that ratio is 3 to 1000.

Life expectancy for women is 53 and for men it is 50. Compare that to Canada where the average life expectancy is 83 for women, and 80 for men.

For every 1000 births, there are 74 deaths.

Cholera is rampant and it is the most HIV-sickened nation outside of Africa.

There are 4.7 million people experiencing catastrophic levels of hunger or worse – 2.4 million of them being children as political unrest and a dire economic crises has driven up the price of food and fuel. In truth, both food and fuel are sporadic because of the gangs that have invaded and taken Haiti captive, that have not only stopped provisions from getting into the country, but have paralyzed the government and the police force with absolute terror.

Over 16 BILLION DOLLARS, yes, 16 BILLION DOLLARS has been poured into Haiti in the past 13 years, yet it STILL remains in desperate need – because here’s the deal - no amount of money, or programs, or education, or health care, is going to fix Haiti – ONLY JESUS CAN FIX HAITI.

And so, our mandate is simply to make Him famous by being JESUS to JESUS. You see, Jesus Himself said that whatever we do for the least of these, we are doing to Him. Jesus also says that on that day of all days we will be held accountable for what we did and didn’t do, on our pilgrimage to our forever…

When the Son of Man appears in his majestic glory, with all his angels by His side, He will take His seat on His throne of splendour, and all the nations will be gathered together before Him.And like a shepherd who separates the sheep from the goats, He will separate all the people.

The ‘sheep’ He will put on his right side and the ‘goats’ on His left. Then the King will turn to those on his right and say, ‘You have a special place in my Father’s heart. Come and experience the full inheritance of the kingdom realm that has been destined for you from before the foundation of the world! For when you saw me hungry, you fed me. When you found me thirsty, you gave me drink. When I had no place to stay, you invited me in, and when I was poorly clothed, you covered me. When I was sick, you tenderly cared for me, and when I was in prison you visited me.’ Then the godly will answer Him, ‘Master, when did we see you hungry or thirsty and give you food and something to drink? When did we see you with no place to stay and invite you in? When did we see you poorly clothed and cover you? When did we see you sick and tenderly care for you, or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Don’t you know? When you cared for one of the least of these, my little ones, my brothers, and sisters, you demonstrated love for me.’ (Matthew 25:31-40)

That’s HIS answer to the one who asks us why on earth we would keep pouring money into a nation that has clearly squandered the help they’ve been given – That’s HIS answer to the one who asks why on earth we would invest our time and money into a nation that is corrupt beyond belief – We have been commanded and compelled, to be JESUS to JESUS – full stop.

So, with our eyes laser focused on Him, and our thoughts fixed on heaven’s realities, that is exactly what we wake up each morning to do, both in Haiti and in Canada. Our hearts are filled with dreams for both sides of the ocean, and we know that our God is greater than the evil that abounds – so we will keep believing in what we do not see and remain certain of what we hope for – knowing that He will indeed do what only He can do, in His time, and in His way, for His glory.

At present, we are unable to live in Haiti as it would put our Haitian families lives in danger, as well as our own – but we ARE able to raise awareness so that people will cry out to Jesus to invade that place with all of who He is – and we ARE able to raise money so that Ancy, our Haitian brother who we believe, was born for such a time as this, can continue to feed those who are hungry, give water to those who are thirsty, clothe those who are naked, and care for those who are sick and in prison.

And, oh, what an honour that is, to enable Ancy to tell the STORY of all stories both by word and by deed, and oh, what a day that will be when THE KING identifies us as two of His good and faithful sheep…

Maurice and Sue :)