Haiti ain’t heaven, but there is for sure a remnant here that the world is not worthy of - followers and lovers of Jesus who have given their lives to bring transformation one heart at a time in Haiti.
Les and his wife raised their kids here and have been digging wells all over the nation for nigh on sixty years. They are in their eighties and still come back for weeks at a time.
Wilson is Haitian and met his American wife while helping out at an orphanage. They adopted three special needs children who require twenty-four-hour care, plus they have their own baby boy. When we told her what they were doing was amazing, she smiled and said, “It’s what Jesus tells us to do right?!” Their goal is to start a Community Center to encourage other Haitian families that it’s possible to raise a disabled child and give them a happy life.
Pam and Matt came to Haiti twelve years ago. They spent the first two years in an incredibly remote area and eventually moved to a less remote community to showcase the love of Jesus. To give their girls a decent education, Pam drives two hours a day each way on Haiti roads – braving both the insane traffic and the beyond rough roads to make that happen. It’d be way easier to go back to America, but that’s not an option when Jesus has asked you stay in Haiti. Oh, and in Pam’s spare time she wrote and published an awesome Bible Story book in Creole.
Yup, the remnant is beautiful and shines brightly in the darkness.
Peter, a Haitian young man who has been watching us fix up and clean a house that we’re renting until we get accommodations built on our property, asked me yesterday why we left Canada to come to Haiti.
He said, “I hear it’s very beautiful and clean. Why did you come here?”
I told him the answer to that question was simple.
“Jesus told us to!”
Jesus loves Haiti so much that He’s been sending living sacrifices here for decades.
Living sacrifices who refuse to let what they see, influence what Jesus has told them will be.
Living sacrifices who take Him at His Word and know that their God is bigger than the giants in the land.
Living sacrifices who’ve been robbed and taken advantage of time and time again yet stay, because God’s love consumes them.
The other day we drove through a street market that’s ankle high in mud and garbage. Pigs mingle with the vendors. The stench makes you gag. The eyes peering out from behind their lopsided tables, covered with wilted produce and fly covered chicken, are void of hope. The spirit of despair is thicker than the putrid air. As we meandered our truck through the chaos, our hearts cried out, “Jesus show us what you see!!”
Quite frankly, that’s only way one can stay...
When you begin to see what He sees, everything changes.
When you start to hear His voice louder than the enemies, when His peace is present in the midst of utter confusion, when His mercy usurps the frustration, that’s when you see like Elijah’s servant did, that there are more of us, then there are of them!!
Ah yes, when you see the uncountable army of angels surrounding this nation, that’s when your heart begins to pound with expectation for all that God has declared will be!!!
But our enemy doesn’t want us to see what God sees, so he works relentlessly to oppose us at every turn. His mission is to keep our eyes on the natural, so that we will give way to either rage or despair.
It’s far easier to doubt, then to believe, but here’s the deal...
There is just too, too much at stake to surrender to the enemy’s tug!!!
I see a mountain, you see a miracle...
I see a wasteland, you see a garden...
I see dry bones, you see an army...
I see impossible, you see everything...
I see a seed, you see a harvest...
I see the water, you see the wine...
I see the broken, you see your body...
I see my enemy, you see your footstool...
(Jonathan David Hesler)
Jesus show us what you see!!
Please don’t stop praying – we can’t do this without your faithful sword wielding!!! And please pray especially for Sunday. It’s Mother’s Day in Haiti, so we are going to treat our Mom’s on our property to a chicken BBQ and some ice cream.
Ah, there’s nothing that compares to being one of His living sacrifices and being given the honor of seeing through His eyes.
In whatever you’re facing today, may He open your eyes to see that there are more of us, then there are of them!!!!
Living to make Jesus famous,
Maurice and Sue
We bought another 40' container to have ready to store all the provisions from our container that's on its way to us from Canada right now!!! The tilt and load was a tad small - but it worked!!
Which one would you pick?