That's what JOB said to THE LORD in the midst of his suffering and ginormous loss!!!
I KNOW - I am certain - I am persuaded - I am convinced - that YOU - the GOD WHO SPOKE THE WORLD INTO EXISTENCE AND NOW HOLDS IT SAFE IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND - CAN DO EVERYTHING - ESPECIALLY the impossible!!
I KNOW - I am certain - I am persuaded - I am convinced - that what YOU HAVE WRITTEN - cannot be erased - that YOUR STORIES are never paused, but that YOU ARE CONTINUOUSLY WORKING BEHIND THE SCENES to achieve your PURPOSES, for YOUR GLORY!!
Since we've left Haiti - THE STORY HAS CONTINUED!!
Just yesterday, two of the "kids" that Maurice poured his life into, that are now in their twenties, bought, prepared and served up a feast to 59 VERY HUNGRY kids that came to our property, hoping to find Mr. Maurice.
"Mr. Maurice always gave us a job and food! Now, what do we do?! Where do we go?!"
Ancy thought to himself, "I will do like Mr Maurice did!"
Ancy's been doing A LOT of that since we left, and it's absolutely AWESOME to watch it all unfold!!! It's what we pray for!! It's what we want!! Haitians helping Haitians!!
So, we have officially made Ancy and Noe, our fellow Jesus lover who feeds the prisoners and the street kids, our "DREAM BIG WITH US AGENTS" on the ground!!
This means that we send them $1200 plus each month, to buy food to feed the starving, so that they can be the hands and heart of JESUS to the hungry and the broken, so that they can be the face of HOPE in their nation that epitomizes hopelessness!!
It's just beautiful!
And you know what else is beautiful!?!?!?
Maurice finally got his surgery date and it's NEXT WEEK!!!!
We heard that HALLELUJAH!!!!
AHAHA our GOD IS FAITHFUL and we KNOW you'll be faithful to keep praying like you have been for months!!!
AND...because we are unable to have our annual MASSIVE YARD SALE for Haiti due to the COVID crisis - we are hosting a "DRIVE-IN MOVIE EXTRAVAGANZA" 4 SATURDAY NIGHTS in row - starting August 15th - right through to September 5 - and depending on the response, we MAY even extend that!!!
This will all take place in the CEDARVIEW CHURCH PARKING LOT and we can't wait to bless PARIS, who we believe God will COMPEL to bless Haiti!!!!
The MOVIE EXTRAVAGANZA is FREE, but we are giving everyone the opportunity to make a donation, that will change a life that will change a nation!!!!
Please pray with us!!! Our God gave us over $30,000 last year, and WOW, it would sure be AWESOME if He could squeeze enough hearts to do that again!!!!
AH yes, our friends, THE STORY CONTINUES, whether it's obvious or not, our GOD is famous for working in ways we cannot see, to achieve HIS purposes for HIS glory!!!!!
This we KNOW!!!!!!
Resting in HIS ways,
Maurice and Sue :)
A rare glimpse of the prison. How can we not help?!
Hope to see you there!