Extensions, Opportunity and Feasts.

Dear friends,

THANK YOU to everyone who has given of their resources and time to help us, help Haiti, throughout 2024!

Good news! Due to the postal strike, our government has extended the time for charitable donations until the end of February! This means that you can send a donation from now until February 28th and it will count for charitable giving in 2024!

We also want to remind you that there are 10 “FEASTS” to choose from this year – one of which will be translated into Spanish! It will be the most life changing, heart bolstering 6 hours you’ve perhaps ever spent!

  • You will leave loving Jesus more!

  • You will leave with a longing in your heart for that day of all days when He will come to snatch us out of here to our forever home!

  • You will leave so glad you made the time to come!

Your registration fee of $30 turns into food to feed the starving AND basic provisions for over a thousand prisoners, many of whom are women and children who without our help wouldn’t have water to drink, medicine, feminine hygiene products or a glimmer of HOPE!

The other reason we do FEAST is for YOU, so that YOUR heart can be bolstered and reminded that Jesus knows and cares and is more than enough!

Please make time to come, for them, and for you. Save a life by clicking on the link below to register for one of the FEASTS!


A picture truly is worth a thousand words…

Christie Blackwood