What would YOU do if God gave you dream for a nation?
A dream that includes a wall-less church that’s busting with fun, where everyone feels welcome and comfortable to come barefoot and dirty!
A dream where men and women will be equipped to support their families by learning how to harvest honey, farm, run adventure tours, make jewelry and other artisan projects – where they will learn welding, carpentry, cooking and English as a second language!
A dream of a property that houses the playground of all playgrounds, an outdoor movie theatre and a zip line like Haiti has never seen – where everyone will leave having come face to face with God’s love!
A dream where JESUS stands up in a generation of kids who He has hand-picked to transform their nation!
A dream that will change Haiti from a nation of beggars to a nation of givers!
A dream where families will be restored, where single mothers will be given the skills they need to keep their babies instead of giving them way; where men will learn how to be true fathers and faithful husbands.
A dream where the love and power of JESUS is going to revive, restore, rebuild and renew – where HIS HOPE will replace despair, HIS JOY will replace sorrow and HIS PEACE will replace the chaos!
We couldn’t say anything but an abandoned ‘YES!’ to that dream…
…so we started ‘DREAM BIG WITH US’ and went on the search for a piece of property in Haiti - to house GOD’S DREAM for this nation that He loves so much!
A few years down the road, with a WHOLE LOTTA miracles behind us, God has given us the most beautiful piece of land in all of Haiti, two trucks, two 20-foot shipping containers that have been modified into storage rooms, one 40-foot shipping container that has been modified into a dormitory that will house teams that will come to help us, and another 40-footer that will be modified in the future into whatever we need it to be!
We’ve dug a well and a septic tank and have made a road and we really do feel like we’ve been given front row seats to the most epic of God stories! We are so blessed that He has chosen to write us into this story and can’t wait to do what He has commanded and compelled us to do!!!
And what is that?!?!
To love people, one at a time, straight into the arms of our Jesus.
To show them that they can LIVE, not just exist.
To help them identify the giftings that God has placed in each one of them.
A few years back, an elderly lady came to Maurice and asked him for food. Maurice told her that he didn’t just give food away, but that if she worked for it, he’d gladly give her something to eat. She told him that she was blind and old and asked again for a something to eat. Maurice told her one more time to think about what she could do, telling her that he knew that GOD had equipped her to do something. After a big of humming and hawing, she smiled big and said, ‘I can sing!’
“Perfect!!” said Maurice! “Come and teach the kids how to sing!!!”
From that day forward, this blind lady got up knowing what she was made for!!!
She had purpose!
She knew she was made to give, not beg!
THAT is a glimpse into what DREAM BIG WITH US is all about.
We live to be the hands and feet and heart of Jesus, to the lost, the lonely, the broken and the forgotten – so that they can come to know His incredible love, and in turn become the hands and feet and heart of Jesus to everyone around them!!
We believe with all our hearts that HAITI will be on the world stage, not for its poverty, corruption or natural disasters, but as an example of what the LOVE OF JESUS can do!!
As God’s story for Haiti unfolds, we will tell you all about it with pictures, videos and blogs – so keep checking our website so you don’t miss anything!!
And please, pray with us – because YOUR prayers make the difference between LIFE and DEATH!!